Our story began in 2007, when two naive friends in their mid 20’s, with only love for design, technology and $250 savings each, decided to test the hazy waters of entrepreneurship and turn their hobbies into a career. Kreativa Studio was born, and they never looked back.
A family of creatives.
How it started
How it’s going
Since its origin, through an always-learning mindset and with the help of a fast-growing community (thanks, Dribbble!), Kreativa grew into an established studio that regularly helps large organizations clear hurdles, small businesses grow, and funded startups seize opportunities.

In search of merit grounded in the real world, we've made a conscious effort to always ride the coattails of qualities and beliefs that push the boundaries of collaboration.
Grow by being responsible
Always move forward. Progress is made one step at a time, so while you're at it, always deliver on time.
Stay sharp and bright
Don’t be afraid of change — embrace it. Details and precision is what makes the cut.
Understand by listening
Know what you’re doing. If you don’t, remember that all can be found in the answers to the questions you ask.
Know better to do better
Knowledge equals wealth. Acquire it and share it around with your team and clients, so we all can do better.
We're in it together
Treat our clients as partners and our team as family. The bonds we create can last a lifetime.
If client needs are our focus, awards are our signal of quality.
Clients always come over awards, and yet — the two often meet in a perfect storm. We were fortunate enough to work with clients through whose projects we were recognised by the Oscars of digital industry — Awwwards, CSSDA and more.
“Luck Is What Happens When Preparation Meets Opportunity" — Seneca